“What is Blood?”

What is blood? Did you know science has NO KNOWN origin of human blood, and can NOT reproduce it in the lab?

Join Pastor Joseph Cortes in this four-part lecture about the effect on Adam & Eve the moment they ate the forbidden fruit from the “Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil”. And how it infected every human being ever since with “Sinner’s Blood.”

Part One: Cortes introduces the topic of examining the characteristics of blood, and then takes us right into Genesis to examine what happened to it when sin entered in.

Up Next: Ohhhh it gets better. Your brain is going to sputter, again, when faced with the answer to the question “Where did blood come from?”

FYI – Scroll all the way down for “About” info


“The Grapes of Wrath” wasn’t just a novel by John Steinbeck, they’re also used throughout scripture to define blood. Coincidence?

Join Pastor Joseph Cortes in this four-part lecture about the effect on Adam & Eve the moment they ate the forbidden fruit from the “Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil”. And how it infected every human being ever since with “Sinner’s Blood.”

Part Two: Cortes cuts the cord and takes us back into Genesis and reveals the origin of blood. “What? Didn’t God create blood when he created Adam and Eve?” Good question. The answer might make you WhINE!

Up Next: Part-three goes into the obvious question at this point: “Does Jesus have blood, now?”

FYI – Scroll all the way down for “About” info

No Blood?

We read God created Adam and Eve as perfect beings, Immortal right? So, what changed after the “grape” that led them both to die of old age?

Join Pastor Joseph Cortes in this four-part lecture about the effect on Adam & Eve the moment they ate the forbidden fruit from the “Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil”. And how it infected every human being ever since with “Sinner’s Blood.”

Part Three: You’re in for another brain freeze when Pastor zeroes in on the question(s) “Did Adam have blood before the fall?” “Do heavenly bodies, have it? We know Jesus had it in his veins as he was tortured and killed on the cross, BUT! Does the resurrected body of Christ have it pumping through His heart?

BTW – Did you know the name A-dam means “Where’s Blood” in Hebrew? Yep!

Up Next: The Finale!

FYI – Scroll all the way down for “About” info

Blood Problem?

The Finale addresses that last question: “Is there blood in heaven?” SPOILER ALERT: The only blood in heaven is Christs blood. Specifically, that which He sprinkled on the Mercy Seat.

Join Pastor Joseph Cortes in this four-part lecture about the effect on Adam & Eve the moment they ate the forbidden fruit from the “Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil”. And how it infected every human being ever since with “Sinner’s Blood.”

In this final part, “Blood problem?” We’re left with what seems an obvious conclusion. We know what the scripture says about blood in Leviticus 17:11″The life of the flesh is in the blood.” So, there’s the answer. I mean, we all know what happens if you bleed out, right?

So, the question that should be asked is: “Was the life of the flesh in the blood” before the fall? Because IF it was, then there’s a blood problem you need to understand.

In heaven, Life is in the WATER!